3D Human DigitizationRecently I have been looking at how the human race can have a whole body scan to render their body in 3d space, this has many applications…Jun 30, 2021Jun 30, 2021
Mixed Reality in EducationI have been getting into mixed reality or MR recently, this is a very interesting premise and has lots of applications, allowing students…Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
Gamification and Mass AdoptionGames have made technology more fun and interesting to interact with, enabling mass adoption of technology as well as new sub cultures such…Jun 25, 2021Jun 25, 2021
AR on the BlockchainThere are lots of AR projects on the blockchain right now many are beginning to make a great use case for implementation of Augemented…Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
Emerging TechMost items from Wall Street Bets are usually pumped up shares created to battle hedge fund managers, however looking through the other day…Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Robotic Farmers On ChainI have been seeing a lot of robotic AI being implemented within many different industries over the past few weeks, with robotic machines…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
AR in BrandingCurrently I have been researching into how AR fits into the consumer market, allowing brands to be visualized in front of users eyes…Jun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021