Most items from Wall Street Bets are usually pumped up shares created to battle hedge fund managers, however looking through the other day I noticed a gem of a stock which is also a revolutionary piece of tech, this lead me down a rabbit hole of posts, websites with a similar theme. They are all trying to make space travel easy and accessible for everyday people, this is the best and only goal companies should be taking into consideration as space exploration is imminent.
AST Spacemobile
Following the recent development in Star Link which uses LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellite from Elon Musk making start up costs for launching satellites much cheaper this brings out the revolution of a satellite phone brought to the everyday consumer. By innovating with software, $ASTS can make the satellite connection work with existing LTE networks by only working with the carriers’ ground terminals to compensate for the Doppler effect; importantly, ASTS works with any normal phone without requiring any modifications
There is a large market for this emerging technology as it enables users to not rely on the bandwidth and coverage of networks from their service provider, this enables mobile phones to directly and always have access to satellite connect making the no service predicament a thing of the past to die with ancient technology
ASTS is targeting the large mobile 5G market, specifically in markets where terrestrial infrastructure (e.g. towers) is less developed therefore not covering entire population of countries as the service is not affordable or does not reach far enough. According to ASTS there are 3.3BN people who are covered by their mobile network but not connected to cellular broadband and another 700MM people who are not covered by existing networks and not connected.
The release of a satellite mobile for the average consumer cuts costs when implementing connectivity to rural areas, this is due to the fact that cell towers would not need to be installed and instead low earth oribiting satellites would be able to pick up more signals across a larger range.
Open Cosmos
Open cosmos offer satellite based solutions and are in partnership with the European Space Agency to provide great easy to understand products to promote interest and activity in outer space. Working with the ESA they are pioneering the launch and operations on nano-satellites with a payload of up to 20kg at a fraction of the cost and time when compared to conventional options.
This as before with AST space mobile is making space and communication to and from it a lot more accessible and easy to navigate by the average person who is not technical background. The ESA is not on the stock market and remains a private company working in conjunction with others, like ASTS and Open cosmos, however this does not a queue to disregard the space altogether, just because it is emerging does not mean it has the potential to become a global technology implemented into modern infrastructures of society.
This has lots of opportunities for the future of space travel combining multiple technologies to essentially democratize the space industry and make accessible easy to use products to lower the barrier for entry in the space.