Games have made technology more fun and interesting to interact with, enabling mass adoption of technology as well as new sub cultures such as arcade, console and pc gamers to evolve, with every game having its own lore and community. Games on the blockchain are growing fast which adopt the recent boom of NFTs within game making frameworks, allowing developers to drop NFTs of characters and special collectables which hold unlockable content, activated when the nft is purchased.
Mass Adoption?
This might seem unlikely but gamifying technology enables people with a low understanding of technology to easily operate and navigate using a friendly easy to use user interface. Back in the early 1990s the first web browsers where being created one of which was the Line Mode Browser a command line interface which enabled computers to connect to one another remotely and usable on all operating systems as well as early computers of the time, this would allow other people and developers unfamiliar with the technology to connect to information online using a interface.
The next set of browsers implemented a cursor to navigate to links which connected to documents or file systems disabling the need for knowledge of command line interface and opening up the use of the internet to a much less technologically adapted crowd. With the .com boom just around the corner this mass hysteria of companies using .com domains to receive funding is very much like the ICO boom of crypto currency projects. In a similar fashion many ICO projects where dead end projects which received a lot of funding due to the hype this reflected in history from the .com boom.
Back to Reality
When the .com crash happened this was due to the realisation that not everyone who owns a .com domain does not have a million dollar idea or is trying to change the world. Much like bitcoin in 2013, 2017 and more recently 2020 most investors put money in bitcoin to, “Join the Hype”, with hopes of becoming a millionaire, despite the fact that many did make money from the boom a lot of people did not and went way into the red, this is not because bitcoin is a scam. That is very, very far from the truth, people lost money due to impulse decisions and lack of trading experience and then combined by hype and the prospect of making millions you have the perfect road to lose money.
Even though, recent all time highs of bitcoin did cause people to loose money, it create mass awareness of the crypto currency making it a house hold name just like the banks going bust in 2008 revealed terrible practises conducted by banks in how peoples assets were managed. Every large scale event brings awareness and mass adoption of new techniques in order to make sure that the same mistake is not repeated. For instance, the recent hype of NFTs allowed artists to interact with the blockchain as well as control the scarcity of their products to increase their individual value.
This democratisation of art enables blockchain technology to protect art work as well as open blockchain to an entire new audience, as a result this lead to very scarce pieces of art selling for millions thus bringing NFTs and blockchain into the limelight once more. When emerging technologies are brought into the mainstream a sudden up rise in information regarding the subject increases allowing laymen to understand or know about the tech as well as where it is implemented. Because of these booms of interest such as the bitcoin boom of 2017 and 2020 to the NFT boom recently enables blockchain to become a household name bringing new waves of people into the space and allowing developers to create and cater for this new audience.
Just like the Line Mode Browser in the early 90sand Mozilla Firefox in the early 2000s this gamification of technology allows for people who are technologically inept to use and interact with it promoting integration in businesses as well as peoples everyday lives. This is what mass adoption or the way to mass adoption looks like, and for blockchain its coming in fast.